Author: annamariadarmanin
Quick Visit To See Zingala

Quick Visit To See Zingala
We drove the 300 km to take some of the safety equipment and to put on Zingala's new Fender Skirt. One of Anna Maria's many talents is sewing and Anna made Zingala's new 7 meter Fender Skirt. It looks great and will protect the new paint job from getting marked from the fenders..
As you can see from the photo's that Zingala is back in the water and over the next day or so she will have her new rod rigging fitted and tuned. The two new Spray hoods have been fitted and enhance the looks of Zingala.

Zingala Safety Equipment & Training

Zingala Safety Equipment Starts Arriving
After a full training session in Southampton with MSOS we are now able to open our medical kit and stick needles in people, legally. We then headed home after picking up lots of the safety equipment we need for our new coding. Here is a list of just some of it.
1 - Full Cat B Medical Kit.
1 - EPIRB Self Activating.
1 - Sat Phone
2 - Life Rings with Lights & Drogues + 1 with floating Line.
1 - Dan Buoy with Light, Flag and Holder.
1 - HRU (Hydrostatic Release).
6 - TPA (Thermal Protection Suites).
50 % Hatch Blanks for opening Hatches.
4 - Full sets of Offshore Musto BR2 Wet Weather Gear
2 - Full Sets of Musto MPX Wet Weather Gear
2 Pairs Of Dubarry Sailing Boots
An Assortment of Gloves, Soaks and Thermal wear
New member to the team

Maddie has been sailing since 2009, initially gatecrashing her father's retirement hobby, Maddie fell in love with the sailing life and resigned her City job to be a cruising instructor. Cat lady, bookworm, minor credit derivatives geek, and "the Gareth way" of sailing aficionado.
Salana sets off from Cabo Verde

Salana sets off from Cabo Verde
The first part of the journey is over, from Grand Canaria to Cabo Verde with wind speeds from 1 day of 40 knots and several days of 5 knots. A well earned rest for a few days and now Salana is off again this time over 2000 miles to St Lucia. Good luck to everyone.
Zingala’s new Spray hoods

New Sprayhoods
The new spay hoods have arrived and look pretty good. I particularly like the gold leather trim. We are really going to need the spray hoods for the journey down to Lanzarote next month.
Zingala update

Paint Job and Anti-fouling
So the final touches to the hull have just about been finished. The gold stripe on the side and the anti-foul has been applied. The mast has also been cleaned, shined, polished and waxed (2 days of hard work in the cold). She is looking amazing.
Zingala Refit

Come and experience what a real long distance racing cruiser can do. We have added a beautiful Swan 56 called Zingala to the fleet so you can experience much longer ocean passages in complete comfort and safety.
Zingala has had a total refit including a full blue hull paint job, All new rod rigging, new spay hoods, new 24v batteries, new water maker, new internal heating system, anti-fouled, new anchor and chain, new entertainment system, new life raft, new life jackets, new safety equipment, fully coded to 0 (commercially unlimited), it also incorporate's all the latest B&G electronic equipment. Including :-
Zeus³ chart plotters 12 inch and 9 inch
- Excellent screen visibility with ultra-wide viewing angles
- High performance for responsive operation and quick chart redraw
- Dedicated sailing features such as SailSteer, Laylines and RacePanel
- Built-in Wi-Fi for easy access to charts, weather, updates, support, and screen mirroring
- Built-in ForwardScan™ sonar support for safer passage through shallow waters
- Integrates seamlessly with other B&G displays and accessories in a boat-wide system
H5000 Graphic Displays
B&G’s H5000 Graphic Display is a 5-inch, sunlight-viewable colour screen with a highly intuitive user interface. View your sailing data in sharp digital detail or graphical form with impressive 4Hz update rate.
Use the Graphic Display as the main visual information hub of your H5000 system or as an alternative to a Race Display whether on deck, from a distance or in short-range applications at nav stations, in cabins and on pedestal mounts. Uniquely designed for sailing, this marine monitor is packed with dedicated features such as time plot, wind plot smart line, SailSteer and MOB laylines.
4G Radar
Award-winning Broadband 4G Radar radar will keep constant watch over you and your crew. If you’re taking on severe conditions, racing offshore through fog, iceberg fields or at night, you’ll be glad that Broadband 4G Radar has a 36nm working range and can even see up to the bow of your boat.
The NAC-3 Autopilot Computer is the brains behind your B&G autopilot system.
NAC-3 contains B&G’s Reflex control algorithms, developed to helm a yacht across a broad range of weather conditions and sea-states, alongside the electronics needed to operate a hydraulic or mechanical drive unit, while also interfacing with other components including heading sensors and rudder feedback units.
We will be visiting the Caribbean islands and then Panama in 2020. So if your looking for milage, Ocean sightings or just the tranquility of the sea this is the yacht for you.
Marina’s In Tenerife – Los Gigantes

Marina Los Gigantes
Conditions : There is little or no wind here most of the time because of the prevailing NE winds which are blocked by the enormous cliffs overlooking the marina.
The only real danger for this marina is when there is a big NW swell combined with a N or NW wind. This creates a large breaking wave at the end of the wall near the entrance which is capable of turning boats over.
Marina Berth's : These should be booked in advance especially for yacht's over 12 metres as they only have a few spaces available to take this size of vessel.
Facilities: Showers and toilets are available. The showers/toilets are located in the wall next to pontoon 1 and will need a key. There are also toilets available half way down the marina in between the bars/restuarants. These are open between 09:00 and 18:00 each day.
Travel Lift - This is only capable of lifting small vessel's under 10 metres.
Fuel - The fuel station is near the entrance/office but should be approached with care as it is very shallow next to it. Usually only accessible to sailing yacht's around high water. Safer to get fuel cans.
Cafe/Bar -
Contact Details:
Marina Office - Open Mon to Sat 09:00 to 19:00.
VHF - Channel 9 for the marina office or staff.
Telephone Number - (+34) 822.19.99.96 or (+34) 922.86.80.07
Email - [email protected]
Website -
Taxi number - +34 922 86 16 27
Restuarants Recommended:
Marina’s In Tenerife – San Miguel

Marina San Miguel
Conditions :
The weather on this coastline is nearly always sunny and windy. There is usually 20/25 knots of wind through the marina between 10:00 and 19:00. The main reason for this seems to be the onshore breeze as the land warms up. This part of the coastline is in one of the WAZ zones (Wind Acceleration Zones) which means it gets a lot of wind most of the time.
Marina Berth's :
There always seems to be a space found for travelling Yachts even when there doesn't look like there is space to be had.
They have been adding pontoons to this marina over the past 7 years and it always looks nearly full. It's also one of the cheapest marina's on Tenerife to berth in.
Be aware of the yellow submarine which is tied up on part of the fuel berth. The support boat keeps very close to it while it is submerged and is never far from the entrance to the marina.
Travel Lift - Open 24/7 from 07:00 to 19:00
This is one of the cheapest travel lifts in the Canaries.
Fuel - Open 24/7 from 07:00 to 22:00
Credit Cards Accepted
Cafe/Bar - Open 24/7 from 08:00 to 20:00
This is the Tower bar located at the end of the breakwater in the blue tower. It has Free Wifi
Nina's Bar - Open Sometimes from 10:00 to 19:00
This is the bar located at the entrance to the marina. this is run by a very sweet old couple. Great place to while away the hours
Showers & toilets - Open 24/7 Located in the shower block at the entrance to the marina and in the tower at the end of the breakwater.
Laundry machines - Open 24/7 Located in the shower block at the entrance to the marina.
Laundry Service Wash - Open Mon to Fri 09:00 - 18:00 Sat 09:00 to 13:00 Located next to Pebble Beach Supermarket.
Contact Details:
VHF - Channel 9 for the marina office or staff.
Telephone Number - +34 922 78 54 64
Email - [email protected]
Taxi number - 0034 922 747 511
Restuarants Recommended:
Sakura Tieppanyaki - Opposite the marina across the beach
Rendezvous - Above the bowling green
El Cordero - A 10 mins Taxi ride away
Perla del Mar - 25 mins walk to Los Abrigos